White kimchi is a form of kimchi that, in addition to being known as Baek Kimchi, is distinguished by a flavor that is seen to be mild and pleasant, and it does not contain any components that are regarded to be spicy. White kimchi is also known as Baek Kimchi.

Additionally, it is highly well-liked by children and those who express fear when it comes to consuming items that contain pepper. This is evidenced by the fact that it is very popular. In addition to being safe for persons who do not consume gluten, this recipe is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians, and they will not have any difficulty in preparing it.
As you contemplate the concept of kimchi or kimchee, which is sometimes referred to as 蹀치, what is the initial thought that comes to your mind? In the list that is presented below, which one is it? In the event that nothing is found, you might want to consider obtaining a kimchi that is produced from napa cabbage and has a spicy flavor. This is something that you might want to think about acquiring.

The very least that can be said about it is the perspective that my kid holds about kimchi in general! To have some fun.

In her opinion, any red kimchi, which is the most common form, is considered to be “bad kimchi.” On the other hand, white kimchi, which is also referred to as Baek Kimchi, is considered to be “good kimchi” due to the fact that it does not contain any components that are deemed to be spicy. In previous instances, I have supplied an explanation that the term “Baek Kimchi” (which can alternatively be spelled as 就빀치, 왽쳡菜) is employed to refer to white kimchi. On the other hand, Baek Kimchi does not contain any chili flakes, in contrast to regular kimchi, which is a spicy form of kimchi that is produced using gochugaru, which are Korean chili flakes. Baek Kimchi on the other hand does not contain any chili flakes to begin with. Traditional kimchi is a delicious and spicy alternative that may be found in the form of baek kimchi. Kimchi is a Korean condiment. As an alternative, it is submerged in a brine that has its flavor enhanced by the addition of salt and fruit. An application of this brine is subsequently made to the meat.

As a result of the fact that this sauce is entirely responsible for the flavor of white kimchi, it is regarded as one of the most important components of the meal. The traditional method of making kimchi does not involve the use of fish sauce or flour, but I did not include either of those ingredients in my recipe. I did not go ahead and add these components. Despite the absence of any of these ingredients, I was able to successfully produce my own kimchi. Nevertheless, in spite of this, there are a considerable number of people who do include these components into their lives. When you do this, you will be able to appreciate the dish’s plain nature as well as its particular flavor to an even greater degree than you would have been able to if you had not done this.

White kimchi is usually stuffed with a wide variety of unusual items, which is another noteworthy difference between it and regular kimchi. White kimchi is produced by fermenting a variety of components. The difference between white kimchi and regular kimchi is that white kimchi has this particular quality. This group of components includes a wide range of unique things, such as pine nuts, dried jujubes, chestnuts, and a large variety of other unusual items.

Should you find yourself in a position where you are able to exclude some components, it is my recommendation that you do not select such components. This is due to the fact that, despite their scarcity, they contribute a flavor that is not only delicate but also excellent to the kimchi. In light of this, this is the reason why it is important. White kimchi, on the other hand, has a flavor that is not overpowering but very interesting when compared to other types of kimchi. When it comes to Korean barbecue that has been char-grilled, the flavor is really incredible. Not only does it create a beautiful accompaniment to any Korean dish, but when mixed with Korean BBQ, it creates a dish that is incredibly succulent and delicious. Taking all of this into consideration, the only thing that causes my mouth to become wet within the context of this idea is the combination of these two factors. To my utter amazement,

The procedure of putting everything together is a piece of cake (there are just four key stages!). Since it does not cause any discomfort to your stomach, you should give it a try as soon as you are able to because it is absolutely risk-free with no adverse effects. Please accept my genuine desire that you do. For your convenience, I have included a list of some of my other kimchi recipes below. If you are interested in attempting any of these dishes, you might want to consider following the link presented below. One food that is sometimes referred to as kimchi is the Kimchi Salad, which is also known as Baechu Geotjeori. Another dish that is sometimes referred to as kimchi is the Radish Kimchi, which is also known as Kkakdugi.



Pickled Kimchi

  • 1 large napa cabbage (1.6 kg / 3.5 pounds)
  • 1/4 cup coarse sea salt
  • Pickling brine (Combine these two. Salt should be mostly dissolved prior to use)
    • 3/4 cups coarse sea salt
    • 4 cups water

Kimchi fillings

  • 1/2 carrot (100g / 3.5 ounces), julienned
  • 200g / 7 ounces Korean radish or daikon radish, julienned
  • 20g / 0.7 ounces asian chives, chopped in little finger lengths
  • 30g / 1 ounce red bell pepper, julienned
  • 4 fitted dried jujube (10g / 0.4 ounces), thinly sliced
  • 1 Tbsp pine nuts

Kimchi brine

  • 4 cups water
  • 1 Tbsp coarse sea salt
  • 300g / 0.7 pounds Korean pear or bosc pear, peeled and seeded
  • 150g / 5.3 ounces red apple, peeled and seeded
  • 50g / 1.8 ounces onion, peeled
  • 1 Tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 tsp minced ginger

*1 Tbsp = 15 ml, 1 Cup = 250 ml

**If you want to learn more about Korean ingredients, check my 30 essential Korean cooking ingredients list!


Begin by halving the cabbage, and then divide it into four. It is recommended to sprinkle the salt immediately onto the white portion of the cabbage, and then pour the pickling brine over the cabbage. A heavy object, such as a large salad bowl filled with water, should be placed on top of the cabbage in order to prevent the cabbage from floating and to assist in the pickling process for the cabbage. It should be left at room temperature for approximately one hour and thirty minutes, or until the white part of the cabbage becomes malleable. To vary the position of the cabbage, turn it over a few times throughout this time period (for example, once every thirty minutes). In a sink filled with running water, give the cabbage a couple rinses. Remove any salt that may have remained. Drain the liquid and lay it on a strainer to let the water to drain off for ten to twenty minutes.

Cook the kimchi fillings in accordance with the instructions given in the previous stage (the section on ingredients). In addition, make the brine for the kimchi. In a large dish, combine the water and salt together. A blender should be used to puree the Korean pear, apple, onion, garlic, and ginger. Put the components that have been blended into the cheese cloth or strainer, and then clip the top of the strainer so that the food substance does not escape. Simply place it in the dish containing the salty water from before, and then soak the cheese cloth or strainer in it. Squeeze out all of the juice that is contained within the cloth or strainer so that it can dissolve in the water.

After completing step 1, transfer the pickled cabbage to a clean board and set it aside. The cabbage should be filled with kimchi contents in an even manner, beginning with the bottom leaves and working your way up one layer of cabbage at a time. At this point, the kimchi should be placed in a big container with the bottom pointing down. (For this recipe, I used a jar that was 5 liters in capacity.) It is necessary to repeat this step with the other components.

After completing step 2, pour the Kimchi brine into the container that contains the kimchi. Ensure that the kimchi is completely submerged in the brine by placing a hefty stone or plate on top of it. This will prevent the kimchi from floating. Put the lid back on. After leaving it at room temperature for twelve hours (during the summer) or twenty-four hours (during the winter), place it in the refrigerator.

White Kimchi Devoid of Spicy Ingredients Non-Spicy White Kimchi

Beginning on day three, you can begin serving the kimchi to your guests. However, the flavor improves as it ages (about day 7), but it should be consumed before it becomes very sour. Just before serving, cut the kimchi into the desired size. As a matter of course, I only cut one slice from each quadrant at a time. The sliced kimchi should be placed on a dish, and then a few scoops of the kimchi brine should be added on top of the kimchi.


What is non-spicy white kimchi?

The flavor of white kimchi, which is also referred to as “Baek Kimchi” in Korean, is more subdued when compared to the flavor of typical spicy kimchi. This is because white kimchi does not include any components that are considered to be hot. This is because the product does not contain fiery chili peppers, which are the primary ingredient in traditional kimchi. This is the reason why this is the case. The texture of this product is generally described as being crisp, and the flavor of this product is frequently described as being invigorating.

How does non-spicy white kimchi differ from traditional kimchi?

Traditional kimchi is distinguished from white kimchi, which does not include any chili peppers, by the fact that the former does not include any chili peppers, and as a consequence, it does not have any heat. This is the primary distinction between the two types of kimchi. Traditional kimchi is characterized by a spicy flavor, which is one of its defining traits. White kimchi, which does not include any spices, gets its taste from other ingredients like garlic, ginger, and seafood that has been salted. This is because white kimchi does not contain any spices. The taste profile of traditional kimchi, on the other hand, is defined by a flavor profile that is both spicy and pungent. This is in contrast to the flavor profile of traditional kimchi.

What are the key ingredients in non-spicy white kimchi?

A variety of ingredients, including napa cabbage, Korean radishes (mu), garlic, ginger, green onions, salt, sugar, fish sauce, and salted shrimp, are often added to white kimchi, which does not contain any components that are considered to be spicy. As additional potential ingredients, ginger and garlic that have been minced are also possibilities.  These components are responsible for the flavor, which is characterized by these characteristics.

How is non-spicy white kimchi made?

To begin the process of manufacturing white kimchi that does not contain any components that are considered to be spicy, napa cabbage or Korean radishes are first sliced thinly or cut into pieces. This is done before beginning the process. After that, they are immersed in a brine solution that is composed of salt and water in order to eliminate any excess moisture that may be present. Following that, the veggies are washed and drained, and then they are combined with a spice paste that is composed of garlic, ginger, green onions, fish sauce, salted shrimp, and, if desired, a sweetness such as sugar or pear. Finally, the vegetables are seasoned with additional salt and pepper. At last, salt is added to the vegetables before they are served. After the veggies have been seasoned, they are then packed snugly into jars or containers and left to ferment at room temperature for a few days. This period of time is known as the fermentation period. It is done in this manner with the purpose of enhancing the flavor of the vegetables themselves.

 How long does non-spicy white kimchi last?

When properly preserved in the refrigerator, white kimchi that does not contain any spices can have a shelf life that ranges anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. This is provided that the kimchi is stored in a suitable manner. It will continue to ferment until it reaches its full capacity, at which point the flavor will develop and become more complex over the course of those years. This will proceed until it reaches its full potential. It is of the utmost significance to make certain that the kimchi is kept submerged in its brine in order to prevent it from going bad. This is the only way to ensure good quality.

Can I adjust the level of tanginess in non-spicy white kimchi?

Through the manipulation of the fermentation process, it is possible to alter the degree of sourness that is present in white kimchi that does not contain any elements that may be considered spicy. Certainly, this is something that is attainable. Alternatively, the flavor of the kimchi will be more sour if it is fermented for a longer amount of time than it is already fermented for. By tasting the kimchi at regular intervals throughout the fermenting process, you will be able to determine the level of sourness that you desire in the finished product.

 Is non-spicy white kimchi suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

By eliminating the salted shrimp and fish sauce, which are often used for flavoring, you can adapt white kimchi that is not spicy to meet vegetarian or vegan diets or to accommodate other dietary requirements. This can be done in order to accommodate other dietary requirements. Your ability to accommodate a larger variety of dietary choices will be enhanced as a result of this. As an alternative to the umami flavor, it is feasible to use alternatives such as soy sauce or tamari in place of the original component.

Can I use non-spicy white kimchi in recipes?

It is true that white kimchi that does not contain any components that are defined as being hot can be utilized in a broad variety of culinary preparations, including stir-fries, soups, stews, and even as a topping for rice bowls or salads. This is because white kimchi does not contain any components that are deemed to be spicy. As a result of the fact that it possesses a flavor that is not overpowering and a texture that is crisp, it may be utilized to complement a broad variety of various recipes.

Can I make non-spicy white kimchi with different vegetables?

It is possible to manufacture white kimchi that does not contain any spicy components by using a variety of vegetables, such as cucumbers, carrots, or turnips, in addition to Korean radishes or napa cabbage.  The answer to this inquiry is that it is correct. The production of white kimchi varieties that are fully distinct from one another can be accomplished through the use of a broad variety of vegetables in the experimentation process.

Are there any health benefits to eating non-spicy white kimchi?

Unlike spicy kimchi, white kimchi is loaded with probiotics, vitamins, and antioxidants, all of which have the ability to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and enhance the overall health of the stomach. White kimchi does not contain any spicy ingredients. This is also the case with kimchi that is traditionally prepared. Because it is a food that is abundant in nutrients, it is a perfect addition to meals because it contains a low number of calories and fat. Additionally, it is a food that is excellent for adding to meals.

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